Ordevandedag.org online!

July 14th 2011

For the innovative theatre concept Orde van de Dag we are responsible for the visual identity, website, campaign and decor. The monthly show premieres on September 11th 2011. Initiators Oscar Kocken en Greg Nottrot have connected an interesting group of actors, writers and directors to their initiative. In variable line-ups they will focus on the other side of the news at the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht.

We have just finished the Orde van de Dag website, together with Iksi. The website follows the initial concept and enables Oscar, Greg and the participants to playfully react on the news towards and in between the performances, and to publish highlights of the shows afterwards. Visitors of the website are invited to comment on the topics as well. You can also follow Orde van de Dag on Facebook and Twitter!